Benefice Administrator:


If you have concerns please contact:
Longstock Safeguarding Officer:
Dane Oliver 01264 810839

See Safeguarding "page" on this website for more Benefice Safeguarding officers.

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer
Jackie Rowlands 01962 737317
Mobile 07921 865374

For safeguarding matters
outside the church phone:
Hampshire Children/Adult Services on 0300 555 1386 or
the police on 101.

In an emergency, or if you suspect you or someone else is in immediate danger, phone 999.

Midtest Benefice
The Benefice is currently in vacancy.

All church services will run as normal.

For any other information including baptisms, marriages and funerals contact the Administrator, Lois Opperman at or your local Church Warden.

Worship in the coming weeks:


Sunday 8th September

8:00am Holy Communion Old St Peter's, Stockbridge
9:30am Parish Eucharist St Mary's, Broughton
9:30am Parish Eucharist St Mary's, Longstock
11:00am Morning Worship St Andrew's, Mottisfont
11:00am All Age Service St Peter's, Stockbridge
6:00pm Evensong All Saints, Houghton

Sunday 15th September

9:30am Parish Eucharist St James', Bossington
9:30am Bible Uncovered St Mary's, Broughton
9:30am Morning Worship St Mary's, Longstock
11:00am Harvest Family Service St Andrew's, Mottisfont
11:00am Parish Eucharist St Peter's, Stockbridge
6:00pm Evensong St Nicholas, Leckford

Sunday 22nd September

8:00am Holy Communion St Mary's, Broughton
9:30am Parish Eucharist All Saints, Houghton
11:00am Family Service St Mary's, Broughton
11:00am Parish Eucharist St Andrew's, Mottisfton
11:00am Morning Worship St Peter's, Stockbridge
 6:00pm Meditation St James', Bossington

Sunday 29th September

10:00am United Benefice Eucharist St Mary's, Broughton